Tuesday, January 27, 2009

But before I go, let's consider bullies and abuse of eminent domain

Late last year, we--publisher and author--were named in a defamation suit brought in a state court in Dallas by H. Walker Royall. Royall is a wealthy man who, having volunteered to be the developer in a municipal construction project that involved eminent domain, does not care to have his actions scrutinized by the Fourth Estate.
As we see it, Royall's case against us is not an ordinary libel suit. It is a suit aimed at suppressing the process of investigative journalism and the free circulation of ideas. In his complaint, Royall does not identify a single word of Bulldozed that libels him. He says only that "the gist" of the book defames him
Go read it. Both because it's something people to know about, and because it'll piss off the politicians and the developers for people to hear about it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Thanks for the heads up and link to that article Firehand.   The legal system is used more as a club then a tool for justice these days.
