Monday, December 01, 2008

"Your records will be safe and secure;

unless the State Police want to go fishing through them."
The Delaware State Police have been conducting secret background checks of some gun owners since 2001, a process known as "superchecks" that may violate federal law.

The checks have resulted in confiscation of weapons, some for legitimate reasons, but have subjected many citizens to a search of mental health records that in most cases police would be unable to access.
"Because We are Only Ones, and the law doesn't apply to us if we want to try to dig something up on you."

I've said it before: every time some politician or LE official demands a new database of people and promises "It will be safe and secure", I don't know anymore whether to laugh, cry or scream and reach for a pitchfork.

Through a request made under the state Freedom of Information Act, The News Journal obtained the results of nearly 4,000 background checks conducted by FTAP from 1998 to 2008 in which gun purchases were denied by state police. The state must destroy records of approved gun purchases within 60 days under a law designed to prevent agencies from compiling lists of gun owners.
We already know from the previous story about the Delaware State Police that they were violating that law
The FTAP program was created by lawmakers, and funded by taxpayers, to aid licensed gun dealers, but The News Journal found that more than 10 percent of background checks denied by FTAP were requested by state troopers, not by gun dealers attempting to authorize a legal sale.

And check this out:
Attorney General Beau Biden's office is aware of superchecks, but would not comment on the practice.

"In terms of whether we condone the practice, our response is any additional response would violate attorney-client privilege," said Biden's spokesman, Jason Miller. In Mac Leish's correspondence with The News Journal, he sent a copy to acting Attorney General Richard Gebelein, who is running the office while Biden is in Iraq
Gee, and here I thought the people of the state of Delaware were his 'clients', not the State Police who're violating the law. And that name, Biden... where have I heard that recently?

I repeat: this is another case of a law enforcement agency violating the law, and getting away with it, and the people who're supposed to be riding herd on them making excuses and trying to make it go away instead of fixing the damn problem. And we're supposed to trust these people?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Exactly. I recall, in a class on being a corporate attorney, that your first words when advising the CEO or director or president, should always be "I do not represent you, I represent the corporation." Beau Biden does not represent the Chief of police, or even the police force, he represents the citizens of the state, who are analogous to the shareholders of a corporation. Not that that cuts any water with the anointed ones who rule us.


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