Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This article about anger about the idea of giving a Senate seat

to another Kennedy has a couple of things I'd argue with*, but some good information. Including this:
Still, these yelps are not likely to stop the Kennedy juggernaut. The forces behind Caroline – like moneybags Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Wall Street bagman-in-chief Sen. Charles Schumer – are too powerful and well-heeled to be resisted. The word is out that dissenting on Kennedy could result in loss of the kind of largesse that can make or break political careers.
In plain language: "You cause us problems on our annointing her Senator, you don't get as much of other people's money as you want." Which, so far as I'm concerned, shows these bastards to be corrupt little tyrants. Who also can't stand the thought of someone who might not bend their way being put in that seat, because insecure little nanny-state boobs can't stand the idea of opposition.

*A series of strong Republican politicians since Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan lured many middle-income voters out of the Democratic Party by appealing to their patriotism, economic self-interest and, in some cases, prejudices.
I'd imagine they're hinting that opposition to amnesty for illegals counts as 'prejudice', but at least they keep the name-calling to a minimum.

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