Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ok, this is taking either stupidity or fear of dogs to new levels

Eventually the two men left the back door and returned to the front of the house. Peeples opened the back door to take a look around; when he did, Egypt ran out. Normally, she’d stop at the backyard gate, he said, but the men had left the gate’s door open. With nothing to stop her, Egypt went running down the driveway and Peeples went after her. He heard gunshots and saw two men with guns drawn.

Wounded, Egypt ran to the backyard. The men pulled out their badges, told Peeples they were undercover narcotics agents, handcuffed him and told him he was being charged with assault with a deadly weapon. A police cruiser pulled up, and Peeples was stuffed in the back. “Charge him with everything you can charge him with,” he remembers one of the officers saying.

And I can just about guarantee these clowns will, at some point, be bitching about how people don't like them and don't trust them.
Though the assault charge against Peeples was dropped, Muñoz said police have filed misdemeanor charges against him with the San Diego City Attorney’s office, including not having a dog license, endangering the public’s safety and possession of marijuana. A search of Peeples’ garage, OK’d by his mom, turned up a scale and a tiny amount of marijuana so old that it disintegrated upon contact.
A 'scale'. No mention of what kind, intended use, nothing, just a scale. Does that mean some jackass could use my Lyman, or that little Midway electronic, to claim 'he was obviously handling drugs'? Probably; some of these sorry excuses for lawmen seem to have no limits. And something that had been there so long it 'disintegrated'? Gee, obviously fresh evidence, isn't it?
It's obviously a "Well, we screwed up but God forbid we actually admit it and make it right; find something we can charge him on."

And note this Balko found:
Milwaukee resident Virginia Villo is suing that city for the 2004 police shooting of her lab-springer spaniel mix, Bubba. As part of her lawsuit, she requested police reports of every dog killed by Milwaukee police over a nine-year period. The request turned up 434 dead puppy reports, or about one every seven-and-a-half days.


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