Monday, December 22, 2008

Just to start a week off right,

Joe Biden proves once again that 'teaching constitutional law' doesn't mean he knows his ass from a hole in the ground. That's on top of trying to make that Senate seat a family possession, which for that alone he should have his ass kicked to the curb.

Awww, some people in Harlem don't seem to mind Rangel being a crook on taxes and fundraising, but having all those rent-stabilized apartments, now THAT bothers them. Apparently the fact that some whites are moving into Harlem is a real threat, too. Lesson to be learned: you basically allow someone to become Representative For Life, don't be surprised when they crap on you; why shouldn't they, when they know they'll get away with it?

Looks like the People's Republic of California Supremes have decided that if you come to someone's rescue, and they think you hurt them, you can be sued. No, I don't want some moron nearly killing me fumbling around; neither do I want someone leaving me to die because they're afraid of being taken to court.

Looks like some of the Youths Of No Identifying Characteristics have spread to Sweden, taking their joyous customs of rioting and burning things with them. I need to find out more about this particular one, especially considering this:
Clashes in the Malmo suburb Rosengard have escalated after the police in the beginning of the week cleared out and closed a basement facility in a rental building that was occupied after a dispute between the real estate owner and the Islamic cultural society in the neighborhood, local media reported.
Sinc 'occupied' generally means 'taken over by people who think it's owed them' or 'taken over by people who think it's their due to take over', that gives some hints about what's going on. So does this:
The fire department considered the area to be too risky to enter with their personnel.
Damn, where have we heard that before? Generally means either gangs or islamist nutters. Ok, Gates of Vienna has this:
The background is,
They had a mosque in this islamic centre, on a lease.
landlord decided not to renew it when it expired.
So rightfully it no longer belongs to the former owners.
Muslims claim it is now holy land and ground belonging to islam
”Police have to be brought in to close it down.
All hell breaks loose
That would explain it. Hell, one of Osama's big gripes was that Spain was no longer al Andalusia, when it should still belong to islam; so no surprise that the nutter types would think 'once a mosque, it always belongs to us'. Which should do wonders for anyone trying to rent space for muslim use in the future.

I've got things to do, and since it's in the mid-teens outside I think I'll get them done quickly. You'll have to amuse yourselves in my absence.

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