Sunday, December 07, 2008

Just some Sunday morning stuff I ran across

First, if The Obama thinks this is unproven and wants to kill it, he's far more stupid/defeatist/on the other side than I could have believed. As Ace points out another successful test of an actual deployed system; no matter how much the 'we should be defenseless to show our good will' morons whine, it won't change that.

Let's see, Insty notes that Rep. William Jefferson(Corrupt Evil Party Slimeball-LA) lost his reelection bid. The fact that the Evil Party didn't disown him, indeed defended this clown, tells you all you need to know about it. The fact that a lot of voters, knowing of the evidence against him, still wanted him back in the office, tells you just how stupid a lot of voters are. And the fact that a bunch of Stupid Party members howled and whined with Jefferson when the FBI showed up with a search warrant for his office("Our offices are more sacred than your homes, after all!") tells you a bunch of these clowns- on both sides- have been in DC far too long.

Ace also pointed to this editorial, which I can't really argue with.
Enough. After the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, the plane downed in Pennsylvania, the endless suicide bombings, shootings and rocket attacks in Israel, the Bali bombings, the synagogue bombing in Tunisia, the LAX shootings, the Kenyan hotel bombing, the Casablanca attacks, the Turkey synagogue attacks, the Madrid bombings, the London bombings, and the repeated attacks in India culminating in the Mumbai massacres – among literally thousands of others – it's about time that the West got the point: We're in a war. Our enemies are determined. They will not quit just because we offer them Big Macs, Christina Aguilera CDs, or even the freedom to vote. They will not quit just because we ensure that they have Qurans in their Guantanamo cells, or because we offer to ban "The Satanic Verses" (as India did). They will only quit when they are dead. It is our job to make them so, and to eliminate every obstacle to their destruction.
Terrorism is a tactic; the destruction of anyone and any nation that doesn't fall into line with the religious beliefs of the islamic terrorists is the strategy. And everyone better take note of this. I know, with our media often doing everything it collectively can to ignore/cover up that there's a serious religious- specifically Islam- backing to the terrorists, it's difficult at times. Especially with the 'PC at any cost' morons willing to excuse anything done by anyone(except us). As
Oh, I don't know about that. In fact, you'd be hard pressed from most news reports to figure out the bloodshed was "linked" to any religion, least of all one beginning with "I-" and ending in "-slam." In the three years since those British bombings, the media have more or less entirely abandoned the offending formulations – "Islamic terrorists," "Muslim extremists" – and by the time of the assault on Mumbai found it easier just to call the alleged perpetrators "militants" or "gunmen" or "teenage gunmen," as in the opening line of this report in The Australian: "An Adelaide woman in India for her wedding is lucky to be alive after teenage gunmen ran amok."
Kids today, eh? Always running amok in an aimless fashion.
The veteran British TV anchor Jon Snow, on the other hand, opted for the more cryptic locution "practitioners." "Practitioners" of what, exactly?
Hard to say. And getting harder. For the Wall Street Journal, Tom Gross produced a jaw-dropping round-up of Mumbai media coverage: The discovery that, for the first time in an Indian terrorist atrocity, Jews had been attacked, tortured and killed produced from the New York Times a serene befuddlement: "It is not known if the Jewish center was strategically chosen, or if it was an accidental hostage scene."

Are they stranger or weirder than their killers? Two "inflamed moderates" entered the Chabad House, shouted "Allahu Akbar!," tortured the Jews and murdered them, including the young rabbi's pregnant wife. Their 2-year-old child escaped because of a quick-witted (non-Jewish) nanny who hid in a closet and then, risking being mowed down by machine-gun fire, ran with him to safety.

The Times was being silly in suggesting this was just an "accidental" hostage opportunity – and not just because, when Muslim terrorists capture Jews, it's not a hostage situation, it's a mass murder-in-waiting. The sole surviving "militant" revealed that the Jewish center had been targeted a year in advance. The 28-year-old rabbi was Gavriel Holtzberg. His pregnant wife was Rivka Holtzberg. Their orphaned son is Moshe Holtzberg, and his brave nanny is Sandra Samuels. Remember their names, not because they're any more important than the Indians, Britons and Americans targeted in the attack, but because they are an especially revealing glimpse into the pathologies of the perpetrators
Read the whole thing, it's worth it.

And, speaking of slimy little dirtbag terrorists- and incidentally, why the New York Effing Times is going down the toilet- we come to William Ayers, liar and slimy little terrorist. As Jules notes,
In fairness, maybe Ayers should be allowed some parsing. Just because Ayers started a terrorist organization, postured a bit, used a lot of heated rhetoric, carried out symbolic acts of extreme vandalism against monuments to war and racism, and then other people who are part of his group, making other mistakes of excess and similarly suffering imaginative failure, killed people, does that really make Ayers a terrorist?
If you're not a NYEffingT progressive apologist and miserable excuse for a reporter, the answer is YES. Add in the fact that this "I didn't kill anyone" pimple on the anus of humanity was preparing to set off antipersonnel bombs at a dance at Fort Dix on the night that bad design(Ayer's design, let us not forget) or carelessness or good luck for everyone else caused his little minions to blow up the Weather Underground safe house, and the answer is HELL yes.

Ayers, if you ever read this, you suck. You're a murderer, a terrorist and a slimeball of the lowest order.

On happier subjects, have spent a bit of time with the son so far. He's been seeing friends and generally enjoying being home for a bit before heading to see the wife(yes, there's a reason he hasn't yet headed for her so fast there's a slight vacuum left behind). Just a little talk about stuff that happened in Iraq; I won't push it, he wants to talk about stuff we'll get to it.

It's kind of odd; he's mid-20's now, he's travelled to many places and seen and done many things(hell, my The General series that's been to Iraq and back has travelled further than I have at this point), but on some points he's still the kid. No, I don't try to treat him like a kid, he's definitely not one, but some of the kid still shows through. To me at least.

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