Friday, December 12, 2008

It is not good to get home and find the phone dead

Especially when you're one of the dinosaurs still on dial-up. It's worse when you call the trouble-reporting number(mobiles do have their uses) and the first thing you hear is a recording 'We are experiencing high call volume, responses to your call may be delayed.' Worse yet to finally get to 'your phone will be repaired between 0830 and 1800 tomorrow.'

But it's up now.

Not that I'd have done a lot yesterday; it was son's birthday, and since he found time in the busy schedule we went to dinner. Although, even with his age and experience, getting an answer out of him...("I don't care if you're younger and in the Army, if you don't give me a 'yes' or 'no' I'm going to beat you with a club!")

Went to Zorba's, Mediterranean food. Nice place, good food, and really the first time we'd been able to sit & talk since he got in on leave. Among other things learned: yes, thermite works to set a canal on fire(the growth around it), except when Sergeant Dumbass tries it.

More later.

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