Wednesday, December 03, 2008

By the way, is Glenn Beck giving anyone else an urge

to drink in the morning? Overall I've always liked his show. But lately... he gets started on "We're all going to die, or be stomped flat by the politicians here and foreign screwing the economy, and if you save and prepare enough there might be enough left after it burns out to try rebuilding", and I'm ready to say "Screw this, will you shut the hell up?"


  1. It wasn't listening to Glenn that did it this morning, it was putting in 8 hrs by sunrise that made me ready to grab a cold one when I got home, tho listening to him today being whiny yet reassuring made me turn it off for the rest of the show.

  2. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I've pretty much turned off all talk radio since the election. While I don't necessarily disagree with them, I just needed a break.

  3. Buy, sorry, listening to Glenn...

    At least his topics change. I've gotten tire of Rush. He sounds the same every day.


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