Tuesday, November 18, 2008

More on the run on gunny stuff

Found this at the AIM Surplus site:
As you know, we at AIM and others in the firearms industry are experiencing an extraordinarily high demand for the products we sell.
This extreme demand compares only to the spike experienced in 1993-1994 when the Brady Bill became law.
Although we will do all we can to insure the fulfillment of your order(s) in its entirety, we are experiencing product shortages that may result in backorders or delays of specific product from your order.
We ask for your patience as we work diligently to process orders, answer phone calls and respond to the thousands of emails requesting information about orders placed and product status.
Although some have responded to this spike by raising their prices immediately after the election. You have our promise that we will make every effort to maintain our advertised prices until our suppliers increase our costs.
In an effort to better control our remaining inventory, we are allowing only selected products to be purchased via our website.
Thank you again for your business and your patient understanding.

Right below a big notice that 'the walk-in counter closed until further notice'.

I did some browsing around, decided "Ok, Browning High Power, that has a mag the GFWs consider scary, so how about those?" At Midway, every mag for the High Power shows sold out. Every brand and size.

Damn. Ok, just looked at Centerfire Systems, same thing: lots of mags sold out. If you're looking for some, you may have a problem.

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