Saturday, November 29, 2008

Looks like the current terrorist attack in India is over

with most of the bad guys dead. And far too many innocents and security people. As to the preparations, check this line:
Two of the hotel staffers have also been rescued and the security forces are now destroying ammunition in the hotel.
These dirtbags brought lots of stuff, they prepped for this.

In the midst of this, let us take note of, and honor, some non-official people who kept their heads and displayed great courage:
Among the workers there were some whose bravery and sense of duty led them to sacrifice their own lives, witnesses said.

Prashant Mangeshikar, a guest, said that a hotel worker, identified only as Mr Rajan, had put himself between one of the gunmen and Mr Mangeshikar, his wife and two daughters.

“The man in front of my wife shielded us,” Mr Mangeshikar said. “He was a maintenance section staff member. He took the bullets.”
Others of the hotel staff hid people, locked doors to keep the terrorists out, and- in the middle of this mess- provided food and drink to those people. God knows how many were saved by them; they should be honored for their work.

On the dirtbag side, Britain better get its collective head out of its backside and deal with this:
As many as seven of the terrorists may have British connections and some could be from Leeds and Bradford where London's July 7 bombers lived, one source said.

Two Britons were among eight gunmen being held, according to Mumbai's chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh. At least nine others are reportedly dead.

India has a bad situation on its hands; but I think they can deal with it. As to the long-term fallout, we'll see; but I think they're going to be doing some serious rooting out for a while.

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