Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And some general stuff after my last depressing question

Heard from a guy who'd ordered some stuff from AIM yesterday; they told him they were about eight days behind on shipping, so his order made yesterday should ship on the 19th. And everyone else seems to be about the same. Out of curiosity I looked at Midway for AK magazines: EVERY ONE was listed as 'out of stock, backordered'. I'd imagine their AR mags are in about the same state. I wonder if the GFWs have any real idea what salesmen they are?

I halfway wish I still had kids in junior high-high school; I'd arm them with things like this and send them off to cause teachers to pull their hair out. Daughter already did that on the 2nd, this would've made it even better, and spread even more information to the other kids. Thus causing other teachers in other classes to attack their scalps.

Yeah, The Obama will be tough on terrorism, oh yeah.

Speaking of The One, take a look at this over at Clayton Cramer. Interesting. As is the absolute idiocy of this.

And at Blackfive a link to HuffPost. The post itself is sraightforward: how a bunch of troops at the sharp end reacted to the election. But the comments... "Aw, you poor stupid(fascistbastard!) soldiers, you just don't understand what's actually Good and Right, or you would worship The Obama too." I didn't read too far.

As to the last, a few months ago read a book called Deer Hunting with Jesus. Short version: sensitive, arts-loving boy grows up among the philistines, escapes to heaven(liberal large cities); comes back as an adult and writes about the stupid, unlettered, etc. people who just don't know how they're being fooled about
the war
the economy
and just about everything else. How they just didn't understand that if unions(run by young, progressive organizers) took over the places they work they'd be in heaven; that if the gummint took over their health care, heaven; and so on. Through it all, the tolerance(at best) to utter contempt(for the most part) he felt for the people around him was kind of amazing. Which seems to sum up the feelings of most of the commenters about the troops: "We have civilian control because you just want to kill people instead of solving the problem; you're just not smart enough to make such decisions; how dare you actually speak an opinion?; The Obama will save you, too, if you give him time." Just friggin' wonderful.

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