Thursday, October 16, 2008

Went to the range

to get the bad taste of politics out of my system, and to try a couple of loads. Specifically, I wanted a load that would closely duplicate the factory 185-grain Gold Dot 45acp load. The factory stuff is damned expensive, so having something very close to practice with would be rather nice.

Couple of days ago I looked at the Alliant Powder site and, lo and behold, they had some loads for that specific bullet. Since I A: had some and B: it gave higher velocity I went with Unique.

I have to mention, I've always had two problems with Unique: it didn't feed very smoothly through my powder measure, and it burned fairly dirty. Why use it? Because there are a couple of older cartridges it's one of the most recommended powders for, and because it tends to give good accuracy in them. Last time I got a bottle I noticed the new bottles are marked 'Cleaner Burning'. And it is, noticeably so. It also flows through the measure better than the previous version; whether the two are related, no idea, but I'm glad of it either way.

Yes, I did drop the charge from the load shown, using 8.0 grains. I loaded two full loads in my pistol(16 rounds) to try. Well, it felt indistinguishable from the factory loads, and the shots went right where they were supposed to. No signs I could spot of high pressure, so I'll make up some more and, next time I'm at the outdoor range, use the Chrony to check velocity(along with the other stuff I need to test).

I love it when something actually works the way you want it to.


  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Oh, GOD, me too!

  2. Yep, me too. My RCBS Uniflow works great with Accurate No. 9; that stuff runs through it like water. and the dispenser meters pretty much dead-nuts-on every time. I think most of the Accurate pistol powders have the same properties as No. 9, which is gonna be GREAT when my lazy arse finally gets around to loading .45acp...

  3. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Yep, Unique has always been a slightly "dirty" powder. Probably something to do with it being a very old powder whose formulation didn't change with the times. I kinda liked "Bullseye" myself for both .38spl and 45ACP.emdfl

  4. The two AA powders I've tried(5 & 9), W296, 2400, the ball powders flow through wonderfully, very easy to use. The flake or flattened ball- Unique, Bullseye- tend to be a first-class pain in the ass to get through a measure. Which is annoying, because Bullseye and Unique are both very good for some things. I'm glad the 'new' Unique works so much more smoothly.

  5. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Was "Unique" one of the "Semi Smokeless" powders? or is old age messing with my memory?

  6. The flake or flattened ball- Unique, Bullseye- tend to be a first-class pain in the ass to get through a measure.
    So I've heard. That's why I stayed away from IMR 800X, the flake powder many 10mm shooters swear by. I've heard there are tricks to get around those annoyances and make it easier to meter, such as keeping the dispenser full or close to it, but being able to pour and go is great.

  7. Keith, I don't believe so; it's just that the flake size & shape is such that it makes feeding through a measure a pain.

    Though, as noted, not nearly as much of one as it used to be.


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