Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Choose your side: "We're all gonna DIE!" or

"It's not that big a deal." Flip a damn coin.

I've spent the last couple of weeks listening to this. One side details why we NEED to approve the (possibly, quite possibly more) 700 billion figure that it turns out they pulled out of their ass or the markets will collapse and the world will go into a depression. The other side's saying "Well, if it's that important, why all the games? And why is so much hidden crap larded into this bill?"

As various people have pointed out- repeatedly- it'd be a lot easier to see this as an actual crisis if
A: The people working to 'fix' it weren't treating it like one more chance to buy votes,
B: The people in charge of 'fixing' this weren't, in large part, the same bastards who had a hand in screwing it up in the first place.
C: We had one damn reason to trust these clowns.

Countrywide Dodd is sneaking pork for ACORN into the bill, for instance. This bastard shouldn't be allowed inside the damn building while this is being debated. Same for that crook Barney Frank, since- among others sitting there blaming the Stupid Party for the problem- he was one of the people, a couple of years ago, refusing to allow something to actually be done about the problems at Fannie and Freddie. And so on.

Tell you what: forbid every rep and senator who acted to prevent action being taken two years ago from taking any part in this; forbid any kind of 'money down the road' for ANY group like ACORN being a part of this bill; maybe, just maybe, that'll help convince me that there really is a 'crisis'.

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