Tuesday, September 02, 2008

After looking at some of the 'progressive' blogs and

news places, I'm thinking that referring to them as 'fever swamps of the left' may be understated; some of them are like taking a trip to Mordor. The bullcrap about Sarah Palin is bad enough, but the attacks on her daughter and baby...

And Barack Volunteer Means Doing What I Say Obama has even bigger plans for his 'volunteer' corps than I'd known. Take a look at the damn list:
Note the tone of these proposals: none of this false modesty about proposing these new agencies and Corps to Congress and working for their passage. His Plan simply declares: “Barack Obama will create” this; “Barack Obama will create” that.

All these programs are just the ones listed on the service pages of his campaign website. This list doesn’t include his most expensive program: health care. All these add up to the biggest expansion of the US government since FDR. If Obama gets most of what he wants, he will make libertarians look more fondly on the relatively modest proposals of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.Add that to his desire to trash the 1st Amendment if anyone dares say things about him he doesn't like(inconvenient facts included), and his desire to trash the 2nd, and his desire to control our lives in all ways, and he's a serious threat to life and freedom.

Moving over to (fG)Britain,
Councils are recruiting 'citizen snoopers' to report litter louts, dog foulers and even people who fail to sort out their rubbish properly.

The 'environment volunteers' will also be responsible for encouraging neighbours to cut down on waste.

The move comes as local authorities dish out £100 fines to householders who leave out too much rubbish or fail to follow recycling rules
Which is foul enough. Then add this:
It will fuel fears that Britain is lurching towards a Big Brother society, following the revelation this week that the Home Office is extending some police powers to council staff and private security guards.
That ought to scare the hell out of you. Think of a weenie with a homeowners group with the power to write tickets and hand out fines as if a police officer. And, as is pointed out in their comments, they ain't lurching toward Big Brother society; they're already there.

Back to Palin, it's been just amazing to hear people who usually push "How dare you say this woman keep her baby" or "How dare you say she should not try to have it all, career and family?" stroking out and stating she should stay back in Alaska because 'the baby needs her' and 'her daughter needs her', etc. That's not counting the, to put it mildly, deranged morons who took the news about her daughter as a new attack point to try and destroy her family and her. Someone had a post the other day basically saying "What you are writing is how a lot people will see us and our causes, think about what you are saying!" Which is a good idea. But she's talking, in too many cases, to people who thought being told they couldn't carry urine and crap bombs around Denver was squashing their 'freedom of speech'; trashing someone and their children isn't even a blip on their screen to worry about. And this is the people who the Democrat Party has, on the national and some state levels, sold themselves to.

I got to spend part of yesterday helping a friend get started on the new swingset/tower/outpost of humanity on the frontier playset. He'd built one for the kids after they moved into their house, made out of 4x4 timbers. Last week, a storm blew through and we're guessing they caught part of a microburst; it left the thing looking like a pile of pick-up sticks. So the kids have a new playset started, he's got the timbers in a pile for later use, and I've got to go take care of some things.

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