Friday, August 29, 2008

Speaking of passing on news and taking note of 'progressive'

thoughts on censorship, Sondra brings this to our attention:
But the implications for our democracy are troubling. To achieve their goals, political movements need to reach and influence tens of millions of citizens. Despite conventional thinking that the Internet helps spread information, such reach is actually impossible online.

Consider: In August 2007, there were about 100 million blogs. Of those that reached 100,000 people or more in a month, only about 20 focused on news or politics, according to ComScore Media Metrix, a company that measures Internet traffic. The most popular was, with only 1.1 million unique visitors, or 0.4 percent of the 228 million U.S. adults 18 and older.
the larger problem: The overload siphons audiences and revenue from newspapers such as The Post and other outlets that can spread important information, forcing these media to shrink and to rely increasingly on advertising to stay afloat. These trends predate the Internet era, but they’ve gotten worse
Translation: "People have too many sources to look at, and it's taking away from them reading US. And only WE have 'important' information, as in the stuff we actually want you to hear about, the WAY we want you to hear it."

And what's the favorite 'progressive' way to control what people do?
Rather than call for government regulation of technology itself, perhaps the best way to limit the avalanche is to make the technologies that overproduce information more expensive and less widespread. It could be done via a progressive energy tax designed to keep energy prices at a consistently high level (while providing assistance to lower- and middle-income Americans).
Taxes. What Bill Clinton tried to call 'contributions to the government'. Conveniently overlooking that it's not a 'contribution' when taken by threat of force. At least this bastard is open in saying "We should tax you to death on this so we can control you."
Bite me, you fascist jerk.

Our Lady of the Thong also points to this on Barack Don't Ask About Him Obama and his terrorist friend Bill I Stomp on the Flag Ayers; several links, check it out.

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