Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I'd thought about going back to school when I retire,

but if the prices I'm seeing for OU are representative, that ain't gonna happen. Tuition $117.90,
'additional fees' $121.10, that's $239.00. Per credit hour. Which makes a 3-hour class $717.00. Not counting books and any additional fees or whatever they decide to tack on. Such as:


Fee DescriptionSemesterAmount
Health Fee Fall/Spring $74.00
Health Fee Summer $37.00
Cultural/Rec Fee Fall/Spring $12.50
Cultural/Rec Fee Summer $6.25
Academic Records Fee Fall/Spring $15.00
Academic Records Fee Summer $15.00
Academic Advising-Degree Seeking Fall/Spring $25.00
Academic Advising-Degree Seeking Summer $12.50
International Student Maintenance Fee Fall/Spring $50.00
International Student Maintenance Fee Summer $33.33


Fee DescriptionAmount
Architecture Enrichment Fee$12.00 per course
Arts & Sciences Enrichment Fee$6.50 per credit hour
Atmospheric & Geographic Sciences Fee$25.00 per undergrad course
Business Communications Enhancement Fee$4.50 per undergrad credit hour
Business Undergraduate Enrichment Fee$10.00 per undergrad credit hour
Chemistry Department Fee$5.00 per course
Earth & Energy Enrichment Fee$25.00 per undergrad course
Education Enrichment Fee$3.00 per credit hour
Engineering Enrichment Fee$13.00 per undergrad credit hour
English Department Fee$1.00 per undergrad course
Fine Arts Enrichment Fee$7.00 per credit hour
Full-Time MBA Fee$1500.00 annual per student
International Student Health Insurance$814.00 annual
Journalism & Mass Communications Enrichment Fee$15.00 per credit hour
Nichols Center Fee - OKC$40.00 per credit hour
Organ, Piano, Percussion Instrument Use Fee$75.00 per course
SIAS Online Course Fee$25.00 per course
MBA Enrichment Fee$10-$30 selected courses ($50 cap)

That's what's show as of July. God knows what it is now, as the head of OU was once again bitching and whining that they need to raise tuition and need more money from the state.

Kim once described the diamond trade as a racket. So is college, it seems.


  1. I think the additional fees are a flat fee for any semester you are enrolled, not per credit hour. It's still pricey, though.

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Son & Heir just graduated from a small college that cost $44,000 a year. He'll be living near the college for the next year, and a professor asked him to sit in once in awhile - a class he wanted to take but couldn't fit into his schedule. The school wants $3,000 for him to sit in. He said he had beter things to spend his money on [the first being a CZ97B]. Olde Force

  3. Daniel, on the website the fees are marked as 'per credit hour'. So unless they made a mistake on it, it is as bad as I think.

  4. If one is required to pay that much money he shouldn't have to attend class or take exams - just accept the diploma at the end of a couple of years.

    What ever happened to, "you get what you pay for"?

  5. Here in SC, once you hit 60 years old you get free tuition (not sure about fees, but I think they are also waived) at the state run colleges and universities if you are willing to take classes on a space available basis.
