Friday, August 01, 2008

And the Evil Party's candidate for Senate

doesn't exactly shine in the primary election:
Editorial/The Oklahoman ~ Politicians caught in an indiscretion are said to have some 'splainin' to do. Front-runners who fail to dominate their primary election have some catchin' up to do.

Andrew Rice has some 'splainin' and catchin' up to do.

Rice, the state senator from Oklahoma City, should have walloped his no-name opponent in Tuesday's Democratic primary for a U.S. Senate seat. Instead, the opponent got 40 percent of the vote. Worse, Rice lost 19 counties and came close to losing a half dozen others. Even worse, most of these counties are Democratic strongholds
This reminds me of Mike Synar, who was rep. for an eastern OK district for several years; he became so tied up in "I'll do what the national Party says, not what you voters want" that he was beat in the primary by a guy who spent his campaign budget handing out cards saying "I'm not Mike Synar".

Probably didn't help that Rice has played Obama on the 2nd Amendment:
Senate candidate Andrew Rice's embrace of today's U. S. Supreme Court ruling on the 2nd Amendment begs the question: How will his liberal buddies, including Kurt Hochenauer, the "Doc Hoc" of the liberal blog Okie Funk, react since Hochenauer is an avowed firearms opponent? (Pictured: Rice and Hochenauer.)

The Daily Kos is another huge Rice fan that regularly rails against the private ownership of firearms and supports gun control efforts.

Oklahoma City radio and television personality Ron Black, honored by the Oklahoma Rifle Association last year for his outspoken defense of the 2nd Amendment, said today, "Senator Andrew Rice supports the right to keep and bear arms about like Harry Reid supports drilling in ANWR. Rice is correct about how Oklahomans feel about the 2nd Amendment, but we also know a poser when we see one."

Others weighed in today after seeing Rice's comments posted here.

"Isn't this the guy who bragged about helping stop concealed carry on campus?" asked one writer.

"Isn't this a guy with a goober rating from the NRA?" asked another. (If a rating of "?" equals "goober," that might be the case. Here's how the NRA's Institute of Legislative Action describes the rating it gave State Senate candidate Rice in 2006: "Failed to answer NRA-PVF candidate questionnaire, often an indication of indifference, if not outright hostility, to gun owners' and sportsmen's rights.")

I'm tempted to say that Inhofe is probably pretty safe in the seat.

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