Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Reasons why various DC officials should be introduced

to tar, feathers and a rail(or a rope, but let's keep this to a minimum right now):
If you're awakened in the middle of the night by a crash, may you carry a loaded gun with you as you investigate? Evidently not. The Washington Post reports that D.C.'s acting attorney general, Peter Nickles, "said residents could neither keep their guns loaded in anticipation of a problem nor search for an intruder on their property." According to Nickles, if you see an armed criminal charging your home, or in the event of "an actual threat by somebody you believe is out to hurt you," you're allowed to get your gun, unlock it, and load it.
Under D.C. law, "machine guns" include not only guns that fire continuously but also guns that fire once per trigger pull if they can fire more than 12 rounds without reloading or "can be readily converted" to do so. According to the District's interpretation, even a pistol that fires 12 or fewer rounds counts as a "machine gun" if it could accept a bigger magazine.
Speaking of registration, the District has established a burdensome 12-step process that involves multiple trips to gun dealers and government offices, fingerprinting, a written exam, and ballistic testing. How long does all this take? "Up to 14 days," according to one police department publication. "Approximately eight weeks," according to another. "There are circumstances where it could take months," says Police Chief Cathy Lanier.

Well, maybe we should skip to the next step; I think there are lots of lampposts in DC...


  1. Anonymous8:04 PM

    DC officials are idiots. The lot of them. Let's see them try to open up a gun safe or take off a trigger lock, load the weapon, aim it and fire it at the intruder coming at them, and would probably reach them, within 7 seconds. I estimate 7 seconds because that's what I ran the 50-yard-dash back in the 3rd grade. How fast do they think an intruder will take to reach them from the entrance 15 to 20 feet away?

  2. But you're forgetting: they don't want you to be able to shoot an attacker; hell, they'd rather you not be able to defend yourself at all.

    This isn't and never was about public safety, it was and is about control; their control over the peasants.


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