Thursday, July 10, 2008

Asking the UN for help when you're in trouble:

The suspected Janjaweed fighters ambushed the convoy of United Nations and African Union troops with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.

They had travelled to the ambush in more than 40 vehicles and were described as heavily armed. More than 10 vehicles owned by the peacekeepers were destroyed.

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon "condemns in the strongest possible terms this unacceptable act of extreme violence against AU-UN peacekeepers in Darfur," Mr Ban's spokesman said.

You'll note the UN has been 'condemning in the strongest terms' the slavery, rape and murder in Darfur for a few years now with zero effect. Other than proving how useless it is to ask them for help, that is. At least if you're not in a position to provide bribe money to enough officials sufficiently high up in the organization; and I doubt you'd get any real help even then. The kicker follows:
The peacekeepers in Darfur are reported to be severely under equipped. And fewer than half the 26,000 troops supposed to be in Darfur have been deployed.
These clowns have conniptions at the very mention of giving arms and training to the people being attacked("That would only continue the Cycle Of Violence!" they cry in horrified tones), when they can't even be bothered to
A: get all the 'peacekeepers' there that they're supposed to and
B: actually give the ones who are there all the equipment they need.
Of course, past history shows that if they were all there and were fully equipped, the moment they tried to actually accomplish something they'd most of them be yanked out and the remainder forbidden to interfere(Rwanda ring a bell?).

I wonder, does anyone anywhere actually expect the UN to accomplish anything? Anything useful, that is?

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