Thursday, July 24, 2008

As that Oleg Volk poster put it,

fast food rejects with police powers:
For arguing with a TSA agent, Robin Kassner wound up being slammed to the floor. She's filed a lawsuit.

"I kept begging them over and over again get off of me ... and they wouldn't stop," Kassner said.

And it wasn't enough for another woman to show TSA agents nipple rings that set off a metal detector. The agents forced her to take them out.

Mandi Hamlin said, "I had to get pliers and pull it apart."

In Chicago, people like Robert Perry are subjected to exhaustive security checks. He was patted down, his wheel chair was examined and his hands were swabbed, all in public view in a see-through room at the security checkpoint. Perry, 71, is not alone

"It's humiliation," Perry said.

Perry was also taken to a see-through room by a TSA agent when his artificial knee set off the metal detector.

"He yelled at me to get the belt off. 'I told you to get the belt off.' So I took the belt off. He ran his hands down over and pulled the pants down, they went down around my ankle," Perry said.

At that point, Perry was standing in his underwear in public view. He asked to see a supervisor. That made things worse.

"She was yelling 'I have power, I have power, I have power," Perry said. The power to stop him from flying to Florida with his wife that day to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

"It makes you feel like you have no rights," Perry said
Mr. Perry, according to them, the only rights you have are to not be abused as long as you do what you're told with no protest. Have to know your place, you know.

As a baby, Angone was diagnosed with cancer. Her parents, both Chicago police officers, had to have her leg amputated. She said she always warns TSA security agents that her prosthetic leg will set off the metal detector, but many insist on doing an embarrassing full body pat-down.

"I feel like I'm being felt up in public," Angone said.

Her father Bob Angone wanted to know, "What's the reason for all the feeling up, you know the groping at the back of the neck, the chest, underneath the bra, all the groping on her body, her buttocks?"

CBS 2 News asked the TSA those questions, but got no answers
The only thing really amazing about this is some parent hasn't beat the crap out of the dirtbags doing this while hiding behind a badge.

And I flatly call bullshit on this:
A spokesman said that out of 2 billion passengers screened nationwide since 9-11, there have been only 110,000 abuse complaints.
I'll bet if you actually dig into it, it's 110,000 abuse compaints where someone actually followed through all the way; include those where people were too threatened or intimidated to do so, God knows what the actual number is.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Today in the airports,
    where abouts tomorrow?

  2. Not about my person. I haven't flown since BEFORE 9/11 because I thought the security back then was a sick joke on the people to make them feel safer. Now...

    Tell you what: I'll drive, you fly, and we'll see who gets there with their dignity intact.


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