Friday, June 27, 2008

What I think is a telling bit from the 'petty tyrant'

as Tam calls him, is this:
"We think we're such an improved society," he added. "The rest of the world is laughing at us."
Ah yes. The 'rest of the world'. The words invoked by all kinds of people- mostly nanny-staters and out-and-out socialists- to try to shame us into giving up our freedoms(speech, arms, assembly, press, etc.) so we'll be 'in step with the rest of the world." You know, like the UN says we ought to be. And the EU, of course.

Really, shouldn't be surprised at Daley's words. Let's see, UN... corruption, bureaucracy, the 'we will run your life' attitude. And the EU, the same. Both want taxes out the wazoo. Jeez, no wonder Daley wants to be more like them.

He'd fit right in.

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