Friday, June 27, 2008

Ok, this is a good morning for a roundup

mostly on Heller this time.

We've got an 'about damn time' to read.
A general breakdown of some points from O'Shea.
McArdle notes that a firearm equalizes a woman against an attacker: some really strange GFW crap ensues in comments.
It seems that the dissents from Justices Stevens and Breyer aren't exactly going to be held up as examples in law school. In a good way, that is.
Alphecca notes various liberals having wet-undergarment problems. Uncle finds some more.

Ok, the 10% chance of rain this morning became 30% which just became 'thunder and lightning and rain pouring down' outside; so much for running those branches through the chipper.

Where was I? Oh yes, if you had any doubts about the ACLU, this ought to take care of that:
In Heller, the Court reinterpreted the Second Amendment as a source of individual rights. Washington D.C.’s gun control law, which bans the private possession of handguns and was widely considered the most restrictive such law in the country, became a victim of that reinterpretation.

The Court was careful to note that the right to bear arms is not absolute and can be subject to reasonable regulation. Yet, by concluding that D.C.’s gun control law was unreasonable and thus invalid, the Court placed a constitutional limit on gun control legislation that had not existed prior to its decision in Heller. It is too early to know how much of a constitutional straitjacket the new rule will create. Yeah, the bold is mine.
These people just flat suck, don't they? Look the thing over, and as Uncle says "Let’s play spot the hysteria and spot the outright lies."

If you like the proper legal wording, etc., just go to Volokh and start scrolling down; LOTS of stuff to read.

It has nothing to do with Heller, but DAMN! look at that cheesecake!

Crap. Now they're saying it's going to turn 'partly cloudy and highs in the mid-90's'. Which'll make it like a steam room outside. I think I'd better take care of some things now.

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