Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ok, I just have to post this ref Obama supporters

I know, I was going to bed, but I had to click one more site and one more link and it led to this:
So, convince me guys. What is the rational argument for electing Obama? What empirical support can you point to, that shows he can do the job and is fit for it?

Is there anything inside that expensive suit but a con man?
Which leads, in the comments, to Reasoned Discoursetm of a truly amazing level of stupidity. You really ought to take a look, it's hard to describe.


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Following your links and reading through the comments to 'Convince Me' at Wizbang continue to substantiate a conclusion of mine.  That conclusion is that nearly 50% of the voting age population of the USA is comprised of spoiled and never to mature children trapped in the bodies of Adults.  What else could explain this Obamamania?

  2. It's just flat amazing, isn't it?

  3. Careful now, firehand. Obama's "cybernauts" will be all over you...


  4. So long as they do their drooling outside. In the street. My floors won't tolerate that.
