Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Canada's trying to follow (formerly Great) Britain down the tubes,

as you know if you've been following the mess up there, with the 'Human Rights Commission' trying to shut up/shut down anyone they decide doesn't speak nicely enough. Well, Insty pointed to this piece of garbage that just came out:
Stop All "Disparaging Remarks About Gays and Homosexuals," as well as against the university professor and self-described "activis[t] for social justice issues" who filed a complaint against you: That's what the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission ordered Stephen Boisson and The Concerned Christian Coalition Inc. to do in Lund v. Boissoin.
Apparently, for someone to say 'homosexuality is sinful' would be a violation of this bullcrap, and screw your religious beliefs: they don't count.

If you've been reading this mess of mine for any length of time, you know my opinion: no protected groups, not churches, homosexuals, countries, religions, nationalities, etc. You have the right to say what you want about pretty much anybody(within the bounds of actual violations of law such a libel), and if I think you're a moron, I have the right to say so. Loudly. This kind of crap from a government agency, damn near unaccountable for their actions, scares the crap out of me. This leads to/is part of the actual fascism we're dealing with, and pushes us toward the garbage I noted a few days ago, Pakistan pushing the EUnuchs to revise the concept of 'freedom of speech' to exclude anything that makes muslims unhappy.

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