Sunday, May 11, 2008

There's a shirt that says "Yes, I have a truck. No, I won't

help you move." I think I'm going to get one that says "Yes, I have a chainsaw. No, I won't help trim your trees."

Friends had some limbs that had been damaged or killed by the ice storm on the big elm in front, one of which was right over the driveway, so yesterday hauled the pruning pole and ladder(had to go back for the rope later) over to deal with it. Most was easy, but the big one...

It was a little wider than the length of the bar, and the only way to cut it without climbing into the tree(hell NO, I wasn't gonna do that) was by cutting on one side, then going- very carefully- to the other and cutting the rest so gravity could end the matter.

Which worked right up to the point, on the other side, when the limb shifted and grabbed the bar. Hard. Which sent me home for the rope, so we could get it over the limb, then over to the truck, to pull enough tension to free the bar. Which worked. Did a bit more cutting, then while I took a break friend took the saw and asked 'want me to cut some more?'. By this point the answer was 'no', because I knew there was very little holding that limb up, and friend has very little experience with such. I don't have a lot, but I know some warning signs to watch for: and when this did fail it was going to come down fast. So I said "Let me look at it from the other side" and walked around. VERY little was left, and between the tension of the rope, gravity and the wind I couldn't understand how-
Which he did. Just the one 'crack' and then wham when it hit the ground, the butt leaving a dent about 3-4" deep in the ground. Damn.

After that just cleanup and dinner- provided by friends- and then home. I've had just about enough of trees for a while.


  1. It's surprising just how much bigger a branch suddenly becomes when it hits the ground.

  2. Anonymous7:11 PM

    The best trees have politicians dangling from them. Too bad it happens so seldom.

    Gerry N.

  3. Yeah, but they do start to smell worse pretty quick...

    That sound does get your attention, it do.

  4. Anonymous11:25 AM

    So, how do you feel about trimming bushes? ;)

  5. Behave yourself, woman! You already have someone for that.

    And I think he may be meaner and a better shot than me.

  6. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Oh, c'mon, Firehand...even P knows I can't behave myself. I love to razz...and I couldn't resist. The timing was perfect. My sights were set at wind, no rain, nothing to bother my shot. I just HAD to take that shot.

    Perhaps I need P to spank me....but to actually have me behave...I'll get back to you on that. Don't hold your breath. Just sit back and appreciate my feisty side.

  7. At least take a deep breath and.. well, that might be kind of distracting.

    Damn, you're a problem.

  8. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Is it a good problem or a bad one? If it's a bad one...I can keep my mouth shut....but that is not fun to do. If it's a good problem...well, get the relaxed fit jeans. ;)

  9. Behave yourself, woman! You already have someone for that.

    And I think he may be meaner and a better shot than me.

    No maybe about it! As for my shooting ability, to paraphrase Harry Callahan, do ya feel lucky? LOLOL! But it's good to see you recognize beauty when you see it. ;-)


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