Wednesday, May 14, 2008

McCain..... Damn

Kevin was right when he said “McCain is the least offensiverepulsive Democrat running for President”; but damn.

Was listening to Rush yesterday and he had some bits from a couple of speeches McCain made. Pure enviroweenie pandering(carbon credits, etc.) and, in one, the most excited I think I’ve heard him sound, came from crapping on Bush. It’s a pretty bad sign that the Republican candidate has more emotion for dumping on a Republican President, and more willingness to go after him, than after the Democrats.

Kim had his sticker, “I love my country more than I hate McCain”, but the more this guy opens his mouth, the more I wonder just how much difference we’d wind up with between him and Obama or Clinton? Yeah, I know, syphilis vs. advanced cancer, but damn…

Have you considered that possibly the best thing that could happen to this country would be for a tornado or meteor strike to take out all three of them at a debate or something? We’d have to start over with new candidates. Which might- MIGHT- actually get us someone who we wouldn’t have to plug our noses and ears in order to vote for.


  1. I changed it to the least repulsive Democrat running.

  2. Firehand,

    I'm voting for McCain for one reason only. If you're interested, that reason is HERE.

  3. McCain's almost making Bob Barr as a Libertarian look like a good candidate. I know, the Libertarians screech about how he doesn't stand for their principles; guess what, McCain ain't a real Republican, and whoever the Dems put forward ain't what they used to stand for either!

  4. Anonymous10:05 PM

    I am not a Pron Paul fanatic (i did vote for him in our primary because fred's viagra had worn off) but he increasigly seems like the only palatable cantidate. I don't want to throw the election to a truly evil cantidate, but i am really having increasing problems with him despite his big breasted rich beer brewing wife.

  5. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Please excuse my spelling errors.I forgot to spellcheck.

  6. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I have problems with the candidates. It's quite upsetting when I ponder on what could happen if any are elected President. I hope this is a "dry" dream and someone wakes me up soon.

    As for big breasts...well, I'm blessed in that department...very blessed. So...more power to the chicks that are packing something other than a little heat.


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