Friday, May 23, 2008

Little posting over the weekend as I'll be busy,

so a roundup of some things seems in order.

I get really tired of "Because I say so/because I can" being the excuse(and it is, it is not a 'reason') for LE doing things. And officers and Assistant D.A.'s not knowing the law they're supposed to be following. In the second, there's going to be some interesting legal mess for the PD and ADA on that bullcrap.

Sebastian has some more on the Olofson case. He also has a lot on the current BS going on in Philadelphia, including the Mayor opening his mouth and, I'd think, making himself a prime target for a lawsuit.

The University of California system seems to be controlled by a bunch of bigots.

And just because: "...because you suck, and we hate you."

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