Sunday, May 25, 2008

I have one more thing to ask tonight:

don't you think it's past time for the hot tar and feathers and rail?


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Last week I order a couple of those "We're Screwed '08" bumper stickers to put on the back of my pickup.  I think that pretty much sums up this kind of political BS.

  2. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I love to be tickled with a feather, Firehand. You can just leave the tar in the garage.

  3. Dammit, woman, this is serious! Here we're talking about dealing with politicians, and you bring kink into it.

    Kinky, a feather.
    Perverted, the chicken.
    Disgusting, the partner is a politician.

  4. I'm thinking that a Daisy Cutter on a joint session of Congress might be just the ticket.

    (Did I say that out loud?)

  5. Anonymous7:56 PM

    What's kinky about being tickled with a feather? SHEEESH!! I just meant I liked to be tickled on my back with a feather...not my...nevermind. You have a dirty mind, Firehand. LOLOLOL!!

    I love it when you call me "woman" it again. ;)

  6. No. Not until/unless you behave yourself.

    Which is rather open to definition at this point.

  7. Anonymous8:29 PM


    That was me BEHAVING.


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