Friday, May 30, 2008

Got a number of things to take note of

First, the new postal match is up at Snowflakes in Hell, including a link to the targets. I'm going to make this one, dammit. Last one, I finally got to the range, took care of a couple of other things and then, to the detriment of the bugs flying around that were incinerated by some of the language used, discovered I'd left the damn targets at home.

Second, Ahab takes note of a Brady astroturf blog, and a post twisting words from the Bible to say "This means we should all give up guns." Which post disappeared: I wonder how many people had something to say to them about this bullcrap?

Rob Allen takes note of a friggin' moron who thinks it might have been better(or at least as good) to subdue a murderer by tackling him instead of shooting him:
Query: Had this good samaritan tackled the shooter, would he be less of a hero? Had he struck the shooter over the head with a beer bottle, would he be less of a hero? There are plenty of other examples, but the point is the same.
This reminds me of a friend who thinks guns are most 'unnecessary' for self-defense: she keeps a bokken next to the bed, and has it planned how she'll whack anyone who breaks in; first knee, then head. I think she's a fool on this: first, you have to let the bad guy get within your reach, which means if he's got a weapon you're in his reach. Second, you're planning on those two strokes both hitting and having the effect you desire. I figure on Murphy stepping in, which means A: I'm not letting some clown who breaks into my home get in reach of me if I can prevent it and B: I'm not counting on a couple of whacks with a stick(which could get tangled in/blocked by something) stopping the attacker; to borrow from a couple of commenters, I'll invoke Rule .357 or Rule 12-gauge, whichever is most available/appropriate.

Somebody pointed to a good article by Thomas Sowell on The Bullet Counters. And somebody else pointed to a post on the bullcrap idea of microstamping.

That's it. I've got to go do something constructive. Like get ready for work.

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