Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And now for a look at some other parts of the world

More specifically, in South Africa:
As we made our way through the Ramaphosa squatter camp in Reiger Park on Gauteng’s East Rand, a woman’s words made us freeze in horror. “They are burning people down there,” she said.

I ran to the nearest police officer and said: “The locals say they’re burning a person at the other intersection.”

Officers leapt into a Casspir and a Nyala, and drove through the debris and barricades in the road.

I ran after them, with other photographers following.

Two hundred metres down the road we found the first man. He had been severely beaten and was semi- conscious. Police thought he was dead, but later realised he wasn’t.

Found this through Kim, and as he says, don't look if you have a weak stomach: the pictures are bad.

In Canada:
In many respects, the June 2 Tribunal’s guilty verdict will represent the ultimate triumph of those “progressive” “Trudeaupian” ideals that have been infecting the nation’s institutions for generations.

“At one point,” remarked Steyn after that televised “debate,” “I looked across at the Sock Puppet Three and thought: It’s not about who wins the argument. They’re the future of this country, and that’s that.”

And if he's right, Canada is screwed. They've still got time to do something about it, but I fear it's running very short.

And in (formerly Great)Britain:
42 year old, Sahnoun Daifallah, appeared in front of a magistrate on charges he squirted a “foul-smelling” substance, later determined to be a mixture of feces and urine, over frozen chips and wine bottles at a Tesco in Gloucester - he then went on to shower and ruin 706 children’s books at Waterstones in Cirencester, Gloucs. Not quite satisified with showering his human liquid waste concoction over just two stores, Mr Daifallah proceeded to the Air Balloon pub where, after making offensive comments to the barmaid, he proceeded to sprinkle more feces and urine all over the pub food.

And good news from France, in one of the worst blood-libel pieces of reporting ever:
It is ironic that I, a private individual, had to lecture one of France’s most influential TV stations in order to demonstrate that a child cannot move; lift his head, arm, and leg; stare at the camera; and still be considered “dead” a good 10 seconds after the newscaster tells us “the child is dead.” One need only look at France 2’s own footage to realize that the “death” scene was faked.

And I have to throw this in for the US: if the Obamessiah doesn't want people bringing up who he associates with, he ought not to associate with people like this:
Yee says he was arrested for speaking out against the abuses against the Gitmo prisoners-- Not because a Customs agent found a list of Guantanamo detainees and interrogators among his belongings. Court-martial charges against Yee were dropped on March 19, 2004. Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller cited that national security concerns would arise from the release of the evidence against him.

This Obama delegate says he was locked away in a Navy prison for 76 days in solitary confinement. He says at times he was even subjected to sensory deprivation and was threatened with the death penalty.

Yee will be an Obama delegate at the Democratic National Convention in August
Two things: that he's an Obama delegate to the Evil Party Convention tells a lot about who they want to associate with, and he's getting off because of a method David Horowitz & Co. used back when he was a communist.

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