Friday, April 18, 2008

Well, damn, who'd have thought that?

UN-effective against bandits in Darfur:

“Attacks on the WFP food pipeline are an attack on the most vulnerable people in Darfur. With up to three million people depending on us for their survival in the upcoming rainy season, keeping WFP’s supply line open is a matter of life and death. We call on all parties to protect the access to food,” said Josette Sheeran, WFP’s Executive Director.

At this time of year, WFP-contracted trucks should be delivering 1,800 metric tons of food daily to Darfur to supply warehouses ahead of the rainy season, due to begin next month. But deliveries have dropped to less than 900 tons per day.

I realize that I'm just a dumb semi-redneck, but wouldn't you think that, with all those 'peacekeepers' available(come on, SOME of them must not be tied up in porn rings or brothel management) they'd be able to scrape up some people who know how to shoot, and some of those pretty blue vehicles, to guard the food shipments?

Of course, that would probably be considered as 'inconsiderate of the customs of the local bandit and slavers', so that would be a non-starter at Turtle Bay.

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