Thursday, April 10, 2008

Richard Warman, that miserable little fascist-at-heart,

just keeps causing problems. Because the little bozo has a bunch of politically-correct-at-any-cost fellow fascists* on his side in the person of the Canadian 'Human Rights(but only for the politically correct; screw everyone else) Commission'. Five feet of fury, one of the people the coward is after, has a roundup of the current situation here; and Insty has a bunch of links here.

And just think, if the socialist PC weenies down here have their way, there'll be a whole bunch of WormmansWarmans running around doing the same crap here. So do us all a favor: post something appropriate about this clown and all his little buttmonkeys in the HRC. From what I've read he likes to search around to find people saying unkind things about him so he can wet his pants and foul his nest in terrorclaim victimhood and threaten people; so causing him to fill his diaper should be considered an act that gets you closer to a seat at the Round Table.

*I don't usually use this word, but if this bunch- using the power of government to screw people over for having incorrect thoughts and opinions- doesn't count as a type of fascist, who does?

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