Thursday, April 24, 2008

Remember I mentioned that at times I'm sorry

we still don't have a whipping post in the town square?

This is one of those times. At the LEAST the miserable bastard deserves that.


  1. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Amen. Doesn't have the guts to fight for his country. Looks like young handicapped girls are more his style.

  2. Son of a bitch should need a f**king gravestone, not a whipping post...

  3. He's lucky the police arrested him; if I had been near and someone started beating on a disabled person, I'd try to do as much damage as I could get away with. I doubt a jury would convict you for knocking the shit out of a coward like that.

  4. Anonymous4:55 AM

    This low life bastard is a coward
    that needs a good ass kicking.
