Thursday, April 10, 2008

Kim's place took a hit last night,

pictures here. Friend of mine in Haltom City wrote me to speak of being awakened by the tornado sirens, sitting in front of the tv checking weather, damn near being levitated by a couple of lightning strokes that shook the whole house, and- upon going back to bed- finding the dog trying to fit under a pillow.

Same system that caused their problems came through here mostly as heavy rain, though some damage from either high winds or a small tornado did occur in eastern OK. My rain gauge shows about 3.5", but a lot of areas got more. Some a lot more. So there's been flood warnings all over the place yesterday and today.

And, this being April, the rain was followed today be 25-35 mph winds, with gusts of 50, today, so not a day I'd have wanted to be on the highway on a bike.

At least it waited until after the fair.

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