Monday, March 31, 2008

Rustmeister points out one(among others) instance of attitude trouble,

and Xavier another.

Rusty first. He collected a bunch of wailing and whining from news weenies about a bill that would cause concealed-carry permit records to be sealed. To me, the prize of the collection is this:
This newspaper strongly believes that certain public records should be open, and that includes conceal-and-carry gun permits. If a citizen does not want anyone to know that he or she has such a permit from the state, that person should do without such a weapon.

That just flat amazes me. Don't want a violent ex, a stalker, an enemy finding you thanks to some grandstanding fool with the job title 'journlist' publishing your name and address(which did indeed happen in another state)? Then stay unarmed when you leave the house. So says the all-wise people at the Tennessean. Arrogant morons that they are.

And from Xavier, we find out about this clown:
Yet on a recent Friday evening, two years after the discovery, Maddox stood inside artist John Ricker's San Francisco studio, ready to smash the gun flat with a sledgehammer. "My uncle wanted to keep it in the family," said Maddox, a planner in the city's transportation agency, before he delivered the first blow. "But I knew about John and what he does with guns. ... I wanted it destroyed."

"If you have a gun, you have to envision who you're going to kill," Ricker said. "I want people to think about who they think it's OK to shoot, and where that puts them morally."
Oh yes, I'm sure Mr. Ricker is in a fine position to judge the moral standing of everyone else.

You know, at times it gets very hard to not use a lot of profanity to speak of some of these wankers.


  1. Thanks for the link!

    Dunno why I missed it earlier. Guess I have someone else to add to the blogroll....

  2. Anonymous1:50 PM

    "If you have a gun, you have to envision who you're going to kill," Ricker said. "I want people to think about who they think it's OK to shoot, and where that puts them morally."

    Yeah, let's think for a second about the people it's OK to shoot:
    Anyone trying to kill me or mine, or abduct same, or seriously assault same, sexually or otherwise, with either bare hands or a deadly weapon... Yup, I feel perfectly morally at ease with that...and if he doesn't, then he deserves to be defenseless when someone bigger, stronger and better armed (say, with a stick, or a rock or a knife, or just bigger muscles) ...they don't call guns "equalizers" for nothing.

    If you and your own family are not worth defending, then maybe in the bigger scheme of things you aren't meant to survive, dude.
