Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It looks like State Senator Rice

is running by the Kaine method: say "I support your 2nd Amendment rights, despite what I've said/done in the past."

I actually got an answer to the e-mail I sent to his site a while back. Aside from the "I hope you'll vote for me" stuff, here's the response:
Thank you for your email inquiry about gun rights.

I believe that government has no business in your gun closet or in your bedroom. Just as I believe the 2nd Amendment guarantees the right of American citizens to bear arms, I also believe the Constitution assures Americans of the right to form civil unions and women of their right to choose abortion during the earliest stages of pregnancy.

What the-? First, this is they guy who "... stated he (1) supported the assaults weapon ban, (2) believed the sale of military semi-autos to civilians should be curtailed, (3) civilian semi-automatic firearms should be restricted, (4) supported the registration of all firearms, (5) supported registration of all handguns, and (6) all firearms owners should be licensed." But now the 'government has no business in your gun closet'? Gee, what could account for such a change? And do I trust it?


Second, why throw in civil unions and abortion in answer to a straightforward question on the 2nd? I guess trying to say "I support these, so I support you, too." Except we damn well know that doesn't work.

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