Friday, March 14, 2008

Is there a time that Lautenberg has NOT been an anti-Constitutional

The Lautenberg-King measure specifically:

• Provides the Attorney General with discretionary authority to deny the transfer of a firearm or the issuance of a firearm or explosives license or permit when a background check reveals that the purchaser is a known or suspected terrorist and the Attorney General reasonably believes that the person may use a firearm or explosives in connection with terrorism;

Translation: Whomever he/she feels like denying.

• Includes due process safeguards that afford an affected person an opportunity to challenge a denial by the Attorney General; and

Translation: As long as they choose to fund said "safeguard".

Etc. I thought McCain should have been thrown out of office for violating his oath in crafting McCain/Feingold; what could the proper punishment be for this piece of walking crap?

A flagrum, maybe? The Romans only used it on slaves who'd been really naughty and such, but if this clown isn't being- at the very least- extremely naughty...

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