Thursday, March 20, 2008

Another needless use of a SWAT team,

and another needless death, and another life needlessly ruined.

I said it before, I'll say it again: I am so damn sick of reading of cases like this.

Kim puts the position of a lot of people very well:
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: if anyone tries to break down my door and invade my home, he’d better be prepared for a shit-storm of Biblical proportions, because I will unload it on him. And that goes for cops, robbers, ex-husbands, ATF, FBI, whoever. I have nothing illegal in my house: no drugs, drug paraphernalia, unregistered NFA guns, espionage materials, nada.

End of sentence, end of statement.

I've seen a lot of downright vicious comments on some sites noting incidents like this, ranging from "You idiots have no idea what cops face" to "I hope you die because a cop wouldn't save you" bullcrap. My answer: There is NO EXCUSE for using a tactical team for serving arrest/search warrants on non-violent possible offenders. Period. If you have no evidence- 'evidence' does NOT include words from an informant alone- that the person/people are armed or otherwise dangerous, you do not need a SWAT team kicking in doors. And running around in masks, etc.


  1. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I agree 100% but would ad that if even Barny fife knocked, waited for an answer and showed me a warrant I would politely invite him in.

    Put me in fear for my life at your own peril.

  2. Anonymous11:09 AM

    "You idiots have no idea what cops face"
    Is this like saying, "It's a black thing, you wouldn't understand"?
    "It's a blue thing, you wouldn't understand"?
    I can only imagine what they face, but I have a vivid imagination, so I conclude that the cops have no business manufacturing needless hazards for themselves to face.

    "I hope you die because a cop wouldn't save you"
    What, we live in a police state that is as sensitive to well-founded criticism as the Soviets or Nazis or countless two-bit, puffed-up, south of the border
    dictators with a chest full of medals bought out of a catalog?
