Wednesday, December 05, 2007

There may always be an England,

but it ain't gonna be the same place.

A grandfather has been given a prison sentence for racial harassment after calling a Welsh woman "English".

Mick Forsythe used the term during an argument over a scratched car in his Welsh home town.

He called the vehicle's owner, Lorna Steele, an "English bitch".

She and her husband took great offence at the jibe and decided to take him to court.

The 55-year-old former lorry driver was found guilty of racially aggravated disorderly behaviour, and received a ten-week prison sentence suspended for 12 months.

You know, I've been known to make comments about the cursed sassenach and other such statements of endearment(especially when wearing a kilt), but I never, even in my most whiskey-addled weird moments considered English(or Scots or Irish or whatever) a 'race'.

Just flat freakin' amazing.

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