Monday, December 03, 2007

Let's see, military on the battlefield, ROP clowns rioting in France(again),

terrorists wanting to kill us all, and what does TSA do?

Brief background: On the tarmac, an honor guard had been formed by Port of Seattle Police, airport fire and rescue and military personnel as the soldier’s body was placed on the plane.

A police officer then took the escort soldiers up to security.

The TSA screener checked everyone’s ID, including the police officer, and then had the soldiers go through the metal detectors.

Their combat ribbons and medals set off the alarms.

So what does the TSA screener do?

He has the soldiers strip off their uniforms - in front of everyone - down to their tee shirts, pants and socks.

I swear, Barney Fife was FAR more a professional than these clowns. And if he overstepped, at least he had a boss who'd actually do something to correct the situation. But then, he wasn't a 'federalized professional'.

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