Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I wonder if this stuff will stay in Obama's upfront message,

or if it'll disappear until after he's(he hopes) elected?
MANCHESTER, NH—Senator Barack Obama today will issue a “Call to Serve” and detail his commitment to making national service an important cause of his presidency in a major policy address at Cornell College in Mt. Vernon, Iowa.

In his campaign, Obama has enlisted hundreds of thousands of Americans to join him in working for change that America can believe in. As President, Obama will increase opportunities for Americans of all ages to serve their country. In his remarks, Obama plans to discuss his personal experience in public service, as well as his plan to call on Americans from all walks of life to serve and to build an architecture that focuses their service toward achieving leading national goals.

Yes, Comrade Stalin, a wonderful idea! They will serve the party- er, Motherland!country!

Among all the 'double the size of' and 'new agencies' and so on, there's this:
* Establish a goal of having middle and high-schoolers contribute at least 50 hours a week to community service, and reach that goal through national guidelines for service-learning and additional resources for schools to develop successful programs.

I don't give a rats ass if that's a misprint and it's actually '5' hours, this is the same kind of crap we heard at previous elections along the lines of "I will require students complete x hours of volunteer service or they don't get their diploma." That's not 'voluntary service' and this isn't 'community service', it's involuntary servitude. You socialist bastard.

Read the whole damn thing. Doesn't it sound like, with slight rewording, it could've come out of the Soviet Union? Or something you'd expect to hear from the PRC today?

No wonder he wants us all disarmed.

Word of this bullcrap found thanks to Our Lady of the Thong.

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