Saturday, December 08, 2007

Here's another reason not to have 'hate crime' laws

Because when someone in a protected group commits a crime, the weenies dance around trying to decide whether it is a 'hate crime' or not.

To Maryland officious jackassesofficials: knock it off. These little dirtbags committed- at least- assault and battery, and a strong case could probably be made for attempted murder. Stop playing your damned politically-correct games and charge them with the damn crimes. And put their sorry asses in jail.

Malkin also points to this piece of dirtbag behavior and official idiocy:
A Boston firefighter is mending from what could have been deadly stab wounds he suffered early yesterday morning when he was allegedly jumped in East Boston while off duty by a group of Hispanic males who told him they “don’t want any gringo here.”

Though police are not classifying the incident as racially fueled, the Boston Police Department’s Community Disorders Unit is investigating. The 32-year-old jake, whose name officials were not releasing, is white.

Gee, bunch of latino dirtbags attack a white guy and try to murder him, saying they "don't want any gringo here"(any guesses about how many of these little bastards are illegals?), and the Boston PD is playing word games. Note to Boston PD: read the above advice to MA idiots like yourselves.

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