Saturday, December 01, 2007

"Gee, which minority candidate do I owe my vote to?"

Saw this the other day, and the Grouchy One noted it. The more I think about it, it's like reading part of the script for a sitcom. A bad, very PC one.
Fliers posted across campus summed up the thrust of their conversation: "Should you vote for Barack Obama because of your race, or should you vote for Hillary Clinton because you are a woman?"

Apparently the concept of "What candidate of which party do I think would do the best job?" doesn't count.

Back when it was still funny, I used to sometimes watch Will and Grace, and they had an episode where they were trying to convince each other to vote for their candidate: Will because "He's -, -, and GAY!", Grace because "She's -, -, and a WOMAN!" In the end, they decided not to vote at all, until Jack walked in and mentioned he'd voted. They asked for who and he said "The black one". The two looked at each other, then him and chorused "There's a BLACK one?" and headed for the door.

That's pretty much what this crap is: "Screw competence, ideas and so forth, I have to vote for the candidate in MY minority/type/most PC class."

I just love these two bits:
Patricia Wilson-Smith, a 42-year-old information technology specialist who lives in Lawrenceville, contends that Obama would be the best leader because he reaches out to all Americans. She argues that Clinton is too divisive and too much of a Washington insider.
"The reason we've never been close to running that truly feasible black candidate is because we've never had one who was interested in governing the entire nation," she wrote, "and not just championing the cause of blacks."

"...reaches out to ALL Americans..." "...too much of a Washington insider." Let's see, we've got two socialist hoplophobes who want to run our lives... two pretty much lifetime politicians... One's trading on having been the President's wife and the other on being a one-term senator- who hasn't finished his first term- who spent some time growing up outside the U.S.... one's trading on being female, one's trading on being black...

Will you have smallpox or ebola with your dessert?

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