Thursday, December 06, 2007

Further evidence- as if it was needed- that the government of Iran

is a canker on the ass of humanity, controlled by mentally diseased men who hate the very concept of individual rights and fear women so much that they do things like this:
Violence against women is the only sphere where there is no discrimination between men and women. If anything, there is a policy of reverse discrimination, and women are treated more viciously. The mullahs show a particular vengeance towards women who become politically active and join the resistance. Tens of thousands have been arrested on political charges and severely tortured and executed. Many have died under torture. One method is particularly revealing: the Pasdaran (Guards Corps) fire a single bullet into the womb of the condemned women political prisoners, leaving them to bleed to death in a slow process of excruciating pain. Even pregnant women have not been spared. Hundreds, including Massoumeh Qajar-Azdanloo, Azar Reza'i, Zahra Nozari, Nayyereh Khosravi and Parvin Mostofi, have been executed with their unborn children.

And this, just in case you need something else to get your blood pressure spiking:
According to a "religious" decree, virgin women prisoners must as a rule be raped before their execution, "lest they go to Paradise." Therefore, the night before execution, a Guard rapes the condemned woman. After her execution, the religious judge at the prison writes out a marriage certificate and sends it to the victim's family, along with a box of sweets. In a written confession in January 1990, Sarmast Akhlaq Tabandeh, a senior Guards Corps interrogator, recounted one such case in Shiraz prison: "Flora Owrangi, an acquaintance of one of my friends was one such victim. The night before her execution, the resident mullah in the prison conducted a lottery among the members of the firing squads and prison officials to determine who would rape her. She was then forcibly injected with anesthesia ampoules, after which she was raped. The next day, after she was executed, the mullah in charge wrote a marriage certificate and the Guard who raped her took that along with a box of sweets to her parents."

What was it Tam said, something about self-immolating neolithic goatherds?

Unfortunately, I can't credit those who led me to this properly: it was a 'somebody linked to this which mentioned this which led to this which-' things. Which also led to something I didn't lose track of:
Now imagine how many women would report a rape if she needed 4 male witnesses or 8 female witnesses to the act! If you had to take a guess, how many rapes are committed within eyeshot of so many witnesses? I doubt that there are 1 in a hundred, unless of course you count the 8 Muslim men doing the raping since they love to gang-rape their victims. Even more: how many victims would come forward if they knew that they themselves would be prosecuted for having sex outside of marriage if they couldn't prove the rape? And more: how many would come forward if they knew that they themselves would be hanged if they couldn't prove they were raped?

My label of 'Downright Disgusting' doesn't even begin to cover it.

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