Friday, December 07, 2007

Dumbass legislators are to be found everywhere,

even here.
In response to recent announcements regarding a proposal to make English the official language of the state of Oklahoma, Senator Jeff Rabon on Thursday said he will do everything in his power to ensure such a measure would not win the approval of the Senate.
“I feel like this highlights an intolerance and insensitivity to our history and background,” said Rabon, D-Hugo.
"We have folks here from all over the world, but we also have more than 40 Indian tribes all with their own unique language. I think we ought to be going the other direction and doing more to honor and highlight the fact that we have so many sovereign nations with their own languages and cultures.”

Left unspoken is how many languages he things drivers license tests should be given in, how many languages voting ballots should be printed in, etc.

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