Sunday, November 04, 2007

'Peace Activists' my ass,

they're on the other side.
In this case, a University of Oregon peace organization called Pacifica Forum, which was founded and is led by a retired professor and a retired administrator from that university, is marking Kristallnacht with two days of speeches and conferences this weekend conducted by Mark Weber director of the Holocaust denial group Institute for Historical Review. Weber, the former editor of the National Vanguard, the main publication of the neo-Nazi National Alliance Party, has spent the past 30 years as a professional advocate of Holocaust denial and anti-Semitism. His opening lecture on Friday is entitled: "Free Speech vs. Zionist Power". Advertisements for the event feature the image of a snake in the shape of a Star of David with the legend "The Israel Lobby: How Powerful Is It?" November 9 marks the 69th anniversary of Kristallnacht, which is considered by many historians to be the beginning of the Holocaust.

Really shouldn't be surprised by this crap. After all, clowns like 'Queers for Palestine' run around screaming and yelling for the death of everyone in Israel, never mind that the Palestinian Authority is rather, ah, 'harsh' with homosexuals. And they tend to flee to Israel where, while they might be frowned on, nobody has a government plan to kill them. But that doesn't count, the evil Joooos are the cause of it! They're certain!

Other links of interest on this subject here, , here, here. Oh, and Zionists are responsible for Darfur, too!

Found through the Random Nukes man.

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