Friday, November 30, 2007

In case you haven't heard the latest on that British teacher,

KHARTOUM, Sudan - Thousands of Sudanese, many armed with clubs and knives, rallied Friday in a central square and demanded the execution of a British teacher convicted of insulting Islam for allowing her students to name a teddy bear "Muhammad."

In response to the demonstration, teacher Gillian Gibbons was moved from the women's prison near Khartoum to a secret location for her safety, her lawyer said.

As somebody said about the riots in France, "Muslims shooting, burning and calling for murder: this is a surprise?"

"One of the things my mum said today was that 'I don't want any resentment towards Muslim people,'" John Gibbons said, relaying part of a telephone conversation with her.

Too late, madam. Not all muslims, but definitely toward the BPM's that Tam referred to as 'Self-detonating neolithic goatherds'.

Take note of the wording here:
Several hundred protesters, not openly carrying weapons, marched from the square to Unity High School, about a mile away, where Gibbons worked. They chanted slogans outside the school, which is closed and under heavy security, then headed toward the nearby British Embassy. They were stopped by security forces two blocks away from the embassy.

'...not openly...', hmmm.

One good thing, a number of muslim groups in Britain are openly talking about what a pile of nonsense this charge and conviction was, which is a Good Thing. At least if they truly mean it. Which, from the wording, most of them to.

A: the lady is very damn lucky Sudan doesn't want to piss of Britain overmuch, otherwise she'd be bleeding from the lashes.
B: NOBODY who goes to a muslim country should expect anything resembling common sense in the west. Especially if they're in a place like Sudan.

A mess all the way around.

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