Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I wonder if Obama is trying to pull a Clinton-style triangulation

with this. Gives the impression he's trying to
A: Make 'country people' happy by saying "I'll allow you to have guns", and appease 2nd Amendment voters by saying "See? I don't want to ban all guns!"
B: Make 'city people' happy by saying "You people don't need guns."
C: Make the ban-gun-ownership people happy by saying "I have to allow for some exceptions for people owning guns to keep the right-wing nuts happy."

You know he's full of crap, I know he's full of crap, and his supporters either know it and will accept it because "He's Obama!", or don't know he's full of crap, and will use this to say "See, he does NOT want to ban your guns, you disgusting hatemongers!"

All boils down to "He ain't our friend." No matter what word games he plays.

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