Saturday, November 24, 2007

I have to take note of two things before bed

First, any 'religeon' in which large numbers of people consider killing their own children to be a wonderful act is a diseased culture for which I have little hope. Whether these idiots believe it or not, murdering your own child as part of a political assassination attempt does NOT make it any better. You sorry degenerates.

Second, this is what you get with PC government commissions and 'hate crime' laws:
"And, he says, when he had a conversation with a Commission employee, mediator Bob Fagan, about the specifics of the allegation, he was astonished at what he heard.
"'I told him that it seemed to be an abuse of the Human Rights Act for someone to try and use it as an instrument of censorship. And when I said that, on the phone, there was a pause and then he said, in a somewhat astonished tone: "But the Human Rights Act is about censorship." Then it was my turn to be silent on my end, because I found that breath-taking. For the Human Rights Commission's own mediator to acknowledge that censorship was the purpose of their Act."

'Human Rights Commission' my ass.

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