Saturday, November 17, 2007

Dead goblins and whining RWPP* clowns

This kind of crap, and these idiots, are why we have the racial problems we do.

Short version: three goblins break into a home at 4a.m. and attack the people there, beating one so badly he'll be in a rehab center for the rest of his life. Homeowner opens fire and kills two, the third got away(dammit).

Third is caught and charged, and since he's black and the people the goblins attacked are white, why, it's "Racism!" behind his being charged.

This from the surviving goblins female parent sums up the bullshit:
Hughes' mother, San Francisco schoolteacher Judy Hughes, said she believes the group didn't intend to rob the family, just buy marijuana. She called the case against her son a "legal lynching."

"Only God knows what happened in that house," she said. "But this I know: My son did not murder his childhood friends."

This is why the public education system is so far in the toilet: idiot teachers like this one. Oh no, they just wanted to buy some grass. So they broke in and attacked people and damn near beat one to death. Yeah, sounds like customers looking for service, all right. Effing idiot.

Mrs. Hughes, your son and his 'childhood friends' decided that what someone else owned was worth more than those peoples' lives: when they acted on that, they opened themselves up to whatever was necessary to stop them. And they- and damn sure not you and your whining associates- have no right whatever to bitch because they were hit with more resistance than they expected. Your son and his friends are('were' in the case of the friends) vile, disgusting predators, and the sheepdog nailed them. You need to deal with the facts of what your son is, and what he's been doing, and stop blaming other people.

Ever consider that always blaming someone else may have something to do with what happened, by the way?

*Race Warlord Poverty Pimp. Borrowed that from Denny.

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